Monday 13 February 2012

walaupun dah lepas date,,,
tp still nk update gak....

nie SnOEman buatan saya...


amikk nop..

nk BUat????
Senang je...

sy wat snOeman nie mase klass first2 3ds max nie..

Untuk kElas yang First diexposekan dgn bentuk2 asas...

contohnya seperti sfera,cilinder,,,dan dll
ok...untuk wat Snoeman...
first skali,,
kena BUkak 3ds mAx la..
pah tue,,,,nk wat snoeman kan???
k.....ikut step2 nie..

lets Start with Head...

amik geometry,,,
then Klik kat geosphere,...

buat ikut sesedap rase anda...

steps seterusnya....

ulang steps td,,,
tp...geosphere kali nie besar kit,,
untuk badan,,,

then,,,,wat mata2 + idun...

for this...
amik shape geosphere gak tuk mata...
dan kone tuk idun,,,
snoeman kan..

step seterusnya....


gune line tuk wat bentuk macam ranting..

pas tue lOft....

siap tuk tangan....

ape ag ea????

untuk topi,,,,,wat design anda sendiri..
sy wat design simple...
gune cilinder Jas...


that's All...
anda bleh tmbah aksesori lain atas kreativiti anda...

amikk NOp....


Tuesday 7 February 2012



Well, it's about time we make some alignment..

Here is the marking scheme for the works you have put in your blogs

Marks will be given for the past entry according to the criteria below:-
Please give explanations as well as images (explanation : images = 60:40) 

PART A [15%] - (past assignment 1) - before 10 Feb 2012
  1. snowman (beres)
  2. dome
  3. Render / superimpose

PART B [25%] - (past assignment 2) - before 17 Feb 2012
  1. outdoor scene
  2. table
  3. interior of a room
  4. avi / video of the room

PART C [45%] - (Major Project)
Describe your group, and your role in the group. 
There should be at least 5 entries in this part, the 1st part is the description above.
You could document everything but please do not mix different parts in one entry. Please ask if you are unclear.

Test/s [10%]

Participation [5%]

progress final 3dsmax...

sedang menhias2 enviroment...
memasukkkan element kayu,air,,,dan sebagainye...
dan merge ape yang patut..contoh...
tong sampah
amik Noppp..!!!